"Happy Valentines Day" to all readers
1)Identify the person and his contribution to agriculture?
Dr. Norman Borlaug,was as much India's 'annadaata' as he was the Father of the Green Revolution
2)Identify the person? Why his Ideas are worth spreading?

Chris Anderson curator of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). Its lectures or TED Talks are subject to a strict time limit of 18 minutes
(Courtesy: Rishabh Banthiya)
4)It was built to protect millions of food crops from climate change, wars and natural disasters.First picture is the artisitic visualization of this project.Identify ?
5)Logo evolution of which organization?
2.he is either sergei brin or larry page the co-founders fo google....i think he's sergei brin
3. i guess the ad is of boeing
1.Dr norman borlaug,green revolution
3.pia airlines
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Good guess Shruti !!
We were in a quiz the other day and we came across with this ad(See Q.No. 3). At first we thought that its an ad of Boeing but we were wrong. I like this ad so I thought of sharing it with you all !!
Happy Quizzing :)
Thanks a lot KP for your consistence performance. Keep guessing :)
Thanks for your comments Abhishekh !!
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